Contact Us: +233205602702
Our labour force is well certified
We do more than you expect
In engineering, energy, environmental and social consulting business
Interra is a leading provider of Environmental, Energy, Engineering Services. With sustainability at the heart of both our services and how we do business, we are committed to providing a service that is consistently of the highest quality. Interra is built on the unique skills, experience and resourcefulness of its dedicated professionals to offer cost-efficient services to clients and prospective investors. Over the last decade, Interra has worked with clients around the world to help resolve their most demanding environmental and human health issues. We combine resources across geographic boundaries, technical and scientific disciplines to provide clients with the best, most responsive teams—whether responding to existing challenges, evaluating opportunities to improve performance or seeking to reduce future liabilities. Clients benefit from our unique ability to bring clarity to issues at the intersection of science, business and policy.
We look for opportunities to reduce the environmental effects of our operations and that of our clients, and support activities that promote the protection of human health and a sustainable global environment.
We deliver innovative and responsive solutions based on a clear understanding of a client's needs and objectives; a thorough analysis of technical, regulatory and community considerations; and the application of sound scientific, social and engineering principles.
We uphold the highest ethical standards, support professional activities that provide a public service and maintain a workplace environment that attracts the most talented professionals to our firm.
What we have done in numbers
Projects Completed
Company Clients
Professional Works
Company Awards
Energy Management
Climate Change Analyses
Energy Use Analyses
Renewable Energy
Alternative Energy – Sources and Replacement
Exploration Drilling
Civil Works
Geotechnical Surveying
Hydrological Assessment and Analyses
Waste Management Planning and Design
Structural Design and Assessment
Fire Protection Installation Design
Water Resources Planning and Design
Safety Audits – Workplace
Assessment – Risk Mgt,
Air Quality and Noise Mgt. Monitoring
Heat Stress Tolerance Studies
Compliance Auditing and Due Diligence
Effluent Quality Analyses
Impact Assessment and Planning
Environmental Analyses and Management
SEA, EIA, EMP Design,
Initial and Preliminary Environmental Assessments,
Annual Environmental Reporting,
Environmental Auditing.
Contaminated Site Assessment
Investigation and Remediation.
Waste Management – E-waste Management, Policy Manual Development
Permitting and Regulatory Support,
Resource Availability Modelling
Statistical and Geo-Statistical Forecasting .
GIS and Database Applications –Remote Sensing
As a team, it is our values that drive us. Together we live these values every day, because we know thats why our clients love working with us. Our promise is simple: You can trust us to ensure your project is as enjoyable and painless as possible and together, we will be 100% proud of the result.
Its a burning, never-ending desire to help our clients maximize their outcomes and exceed their strategic goals. Though our goal is a bit aspirational, our values are what drive us every day.
View All Articles24 Chevening Lane, Burma East, Accra, Ghana
+233(0)302-917591/+233205 60 27 27