Leed & Green Building

    Here at Buildify, we take the same approach to green building that we take to every other aspect of our business. It’s a long-term view and, with resources in dwindling supply, that vision is more relevant now than ever. We have learned to balance environmental concerns and commercial use with the specific needs of each clients’ business. As a natural evolution of our long-standing commitment to simply building a better building, Buildify has embraced the emergence of the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® Rating System.

    We have the expertise to guide your green building project and help you develop a healthier, more sustainable work environment. With a focus on innovation, flexibility and collaboration, we are well versed in leading-edge technical practices related to green building. Furthermore, we are continually identifying and testing emerging technologies for use in both new and existing projects.

    Buildify’s portfolio contains the first LEED Core & Shell Platinum building in the Baltimore metropolitan area, two additional LEED Platinum buildings, three LEED Gold buildings, one LEED-EB O&M Gold building, one LEEED-EB O&M Silver building and twenty additional projects in various states of LEED certification intended for a minimum of Silver certification. Furthermore, Buildify currently employs five LEED Accredited Professionals and five Green Globe Professionals.

    Service Features

    • Morbi leo risus, porta vestibulu ecos.

    • Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

    • Etiam porta sem magna mollisca.

    • Nullam quis risus eget mollis venenati.

    • Pellentesque ornare semica lacinima.

    How We Do It.

    Integer pharetra molestie velit, vel velit auctor aliqunean sollicit.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur placerat nibh vel odio auctor maximus. Praesent a magna ac nisl ornare vulputate. Vestibulum a leo non orci rhoncus semper. Praesent quis ultrices nulla, id dapibus ex.

    Duis et massa id enim faucibus molestie finibus at urna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur placerat nibh vel odio auctor maximus. Praesent a magna ac nisl ornare vulputate. Vestibulum a leo non orci rhoncus semper. Praesent quis ultrices nulla, id dapibus ex.

    Mauris pellentesque elit sed tempor efficitur.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur placerat nibh vel odio auctor maximus. Praesent a magna ac nisl ornare vulputate. Vestibulum a leo non orci rhoncus semper. Praesent quis ultrices nulla, id dapibus ex.

    Contact us for detailed information.

    Contact Us

    Other Services

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    • Design-build

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